Monday, April 22, 2013

Happiness is Just a Hug Away

A friend pointed out to me the other night that I’ve basically let my blog fall by the wayside during the past few weeks.  I was pretty motivated when I started out, then things got kind of hectic for a little bit (new job, new mission trip developments, good news, sad news, etc.), so I haven’t been able to sit down and think of something new to write about.  To my handful of followers, I’m sorry for my absence! ;-)

I’ve been thinking lately about the importance of hugs. They’re so universal that I’m not sure many people think about the actual concept. Do you ever consciously recognize how much better you feel after a really good hug? It can do SO much to lift your mood, and not just for the 5 seconds during the hug itself; it’s a warmth that stays with you for a pretty good while if you’re anything like me.  Of course, I should recognize that not all people are the same, and there are plenty of people out there who would rather get a phone call, card in the mail, etc. (both of which I also love, by the way).  But I think I speak for the majority of people when I say that a hug is always appreciated, regardless of how much or little you enjoy actually getting them. The reason for this is, of course, the sentiment behind the hug. The fact that someone thought enough about you to recognize that you need encouragement (or whatever else you might get from a hug) means so much. 

I’ve read several different quotes about hugs as well, and they describe just how special they can be better than I can.  Here are my favorites:
  • A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.  ~Bil Keane, “Family Circus”
  • You can't wrap love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a hug.  ~Author Unknown
  • A hug is a handshake from the heart.  ~Author Unknown
  • ...A hug is an amazing thing
    It's just the perfect way
    To show the love we're feeling
    But can't find the words to say....
    ~Johnny Ray Ryder, Jr., "A Simple Hug"
  • A hug is worth a thousand words.  ~Author Unknown
  • A hug is two hearts wrapped in arms.  ~Author Unknown
Finally, the very best thing about a good hug is that it is never selfish. No matter who you’re getting a hug from, you’re always giving one too.

So hug away, my friends! J


  1. Very nicely described! Hugs are such a great expression of love. :)

    1. I just realized I can reply directly to your post instead of posting a whole new comment... Still learning this blog thing! Lol. Plus, I was on my phone when I posted that, and it looks different... :-P

  2. I wanted to "like" your comment, but there's not a button for that here... Lol!

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. And I definitely didn't mean to reply 4 times. :-P

  7. I find myself indifferent to hugs at this juncture in my life. I don't know why. I guess if it is from a person I care a great deal about, it may be different. Maybe this issue will just remedy itself with time. I enjoyed reading your take on the subject.

    1. That's probably something I should've mentioned in my post... Hugs can mean a lot more when they come from special people, and they can mean different things depending on who they come from. Good point! :)

    2. I just kinda said the same thing twice... Lol. What I meant was: They can be more or less special when they come from certain people, and the actual reason for the hug may differ depending on who it comes from.
      Good grief, is it still Monday? ;)
